INITIAL REGISTRATION (for user Id and password to further process.)

Registration Details
Note: 1. All fields having * are mandatory. In case any field is not applicable, enter “NA”
2. Special characters like %, &, #, *,', “, etc. not allowed.
3. Application Details are not allowed to edit/modify after submission.
Candidate’s Full Name(*)    
Note 1 : Name as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate.
Note 2 : Please do not use any prefix such as Mr. or Ms. etc
Date Of Birth  (*) (DD-MMM-YYYY) Sex(*)  
Email Address(*) Confirm Email Address(*) Mobile Number (Enter a valid 10 digit mobile number)(*)
(Please keep this Email Id and Mobile Number active for receiving communication/information pertaining to recruitment process.)
Captcha Code (*)    
I accept all terms and conditions mentioned in the advertisement.